1. Each person’s  physical health, physical fitness, life diet, family history, pregnancy history, etc., are not the same. Therefore, any problems with the medical care information related, I (we) agree to contact the doctor, and the doctor’s instructions shall prevail.
  2. In consideration for being accepted by DoDo Childbirth and Family Education Ltd. for participation in the Prenatal Education Course (the “Event”), I (We) do hereby forever release, discharge and hold harmless DoDo Childbirth and Family Education Ltd., its directors, instructors and representatives thereof from any and all liability, claims, demands, expenses and causes of course content, action for personal injury or sickness, as well as property damage and expenses, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred by the undersigned participant(s) while participating in the Event and ancillary activities related thereto.
  3. I (We) agree Not to post any part of course handout materials or content of course on public social media, e.g. Wechat, Facebook, Whatsapp etc., without written permission of DoDo Childbirth and Family Education Ltd.
  4. I (We) know the access to the online course is limited to one device at a time. I (We) agree Not to share the online course link, password or screen to others, and understand once I (we) violate the regulation, my (our) registration will be terminated immediately and any paid fees are non-refundable.
  5. Recording, photographing, or video are prohibited during the course.
  6. Cameras should be activated for video function during the entire on-line course.  Standard etiquette regarding privacy must prevail. I (We) must be NO sharing of another participants’ image without their express consent. Failure to adhere to this is not just an invasion of their privacy but will also result in serious consequences.


(The following Chinese translation is for reference only, content in English text above shall prevail.)


  1. 每個人的身體健康狀況、體質、生活飲食、家族遺傳史、懷孕史等都不盡相同。因此與醫療護理相關的任何問題和諮詢,我(我們)會與醫生聯絡,並以醫生的指示為準。
  2. 被DoDo產前家扶教育接受,參加產前教育班,我(我們)特此聲明對於DoDo產前家扶教育,及他們的董事、教師和代表永遠放棄和進行無害訴訟,關於其課程內容,與此課程相關的配套活動,任何可能造成的人身傷害、疾病、財產損失及費用,以及任何及所有責任、索償、要求、費用,並任何性質的任何可能招致訴訟的原因。
  3. 本人同意未經DoDo產前家扶教育書面授權,不得在微信、臉書、whatsApp等社交媒體上登載課程的講義及授課內容。
  4. 本人知道登入網課一次僅限一台機器,也同意不與他人共享網上課程的鏈接、密碼和屏幕,並且了解一旦本人違反此規定,本人的上課資格立即終止,已付的課程費用將不被退回。
  5. 課程全程禁止錄音、照相或者攝影。
  6. 網課全程啟動頭像以執行視頻功能。在鏡頭前應保持適當的隱私禮儀;沒有其他參與者明確的同意,不可分享及公開他們的肖像;不遵守這一點不僅是侵犯他們的隱私,而且也將招致嚴重的後果。


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